Wonders In Letterland
1. Which of these fruits does T-Bag change the gardener’s flute to?
2. Which two letters make the key to open the chest?
T-Bag Strikes Again
3. When T-Shirt returns with Penelope Plumber which one of these have they not been through?
4. What is Professor Pocket’s first name?
5. When T-Bag realises that the children have got the clock going which of these words does T-Bag say last?
T-Bag Bounces Back
6. What does Major Happy call the instrument he uses to strike the golden bells?
7. What does Hi-Hatt not try to add to the hat to sell it to the Princess?
Turn On To T-Bag
8. What brand of soap is being advertised?
9. What Christmas Carol do the carollers sing which Holly joins in?
10. What kind of drink does T-Bag try to see if it tastes better than a normal brew?
T. Bag And The Revenge Of The T. Set
11. What colour are the stripes on the umbrella Sally brings into the curiosity shop?
12. What shaped birthmark as Anastasia got on her arm?
T. Bag And The Pearls Of Wisdom
13. What board game does Beau Legge and Rick O’Shea play?
14. When Sally and T-Shirt arrive back and tell Captain Cockle about their adventures, which one of these do they not mention?
T. Bag And The Rings Of Olympus
15. How much does T-Bag say that T-Shirts painting is worth?
16. How many steps does Sir Walter Pistol count from the door to the throne in the throne room?
T. Bag And The Sunstones Of Montezuma
17. When Twittering asks Gussie ‘what’s up’ after his phone call with his Auntie, what word does he use?
18. In the song Marshmellow Monday, which one of these foodstuffs is not mentioned?
19. How much is the silver goblet worth that the Tsarina gives to Doctor Popov?
Take Off With T. Bag
20. What are the co-ordinates that T-Bag reads out when opening the golden envelope?
21. What does Ali try to sell T-Bag at the end of episode two?
22. What colour is the parcel with Tabatha’s Bag’s surprise gift inside in Shangri-La (which turns out to have a goose inside)?
T. Bag Christmas Specials
23. What colours are the liquid sprays that Vanity Bag swaps over?
24. What breed of dog does Mumsie Bag blame for breaking her foot on holiday?
What your score means
Score | Ranking | Ranking Meaning |
0-5pts | You Stupid Boy! | Better luck next time |
6-10pts | T-Caddy Academy Student | You need more tea-making lessons |
11-15pts | T-Caddy | You make a good strong cuppa (but you bungle everything else) |
16-19pts | Devoted Member of The T. Set | Loyal and dedicated to T-Bag |
20-23pts | Your Majesty | You big know-it-all but something always beats you |
24pts | The High-T | You reign supreme as the head of the T. Set |