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Every episode started as an idea which was written as a script for the episode, the script was then used by the cast of the episode but also used by many of the crew for stage directions, production of sets and props. Grant Cathro has kindly sent me a script of the T-Bag episode ‘Exit With A Puff’ from T. Bag And The Rings Of Olympus (episode six) which shows the importance of the script for the start of production of an episode
Here is the cover of the script:
You can see from the front of the script how the filming went, even down to the *Coffee Breaks (Coffee, coffee fix me a real drink!)
The scripts were co-wrote by Lee Pressman and Grant Cathro although as the series progressed many episodes were wrote individually to save time.
This episodes’ script is 75 pages long with a further 3 intro pages, with the schedule and scenes. The first scene page can be seen in the scan below.
Grant tells me that a script tended to be longer than what was needed and some material would be cut during filming. This script has a sub-plot were T-Shirt is making a documentary about Child Slavery which was cut because of time restraints. This can be seen in the scan of pages 9 to 12 below.
Other pages can also be seen below! Even the writers can make mistakes, see if you can spot it below.
Seeing this script just shows how much time and effort went into producing a single episode. Many thanks to Grant Cathro for sending me this script. It is now preserved page by page in plastic wallets so no-one can get their grubby little fingers on it.
I have also managed to obtain an original camera script from the episode 'Pyramids' (episode five) from Turn On To T-Bag, this was produced to give details of cast and crew, recording times and equipment needed for the recording. This camera script was issued on yellow paper to a wardrobe mistress at Thames Television so she could organise the costumes needed for the day of filming. This script can be seen below.
Camera Script (page one) |
Camera Script (page two) |