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You'll find below a list of frequently asked questions
Why have you made this website?
This website has grown from a small voting website since 2003, this website features exclusive features, trivia, downloads, interviews, image galleries, episode guides and generally more T-Bag stuff!
I have included many different 'features' to Jeremy Vine's The T-Room on this website as I wanted to offer something different for all you T-Bag fans!
What has happened to 'The Amazing Adventures Of T-Bag The Voting Website'?
It is no longer available online but all the features of the website like the voting polls can be found on this website.
Is there any plans for a release of T-Bag on DVD?
The first three series, Wonders In Letterland, T-Bag Strikes Again and T-Bag Bounces Back, have now been released on DVD by Revelation Films with subsequent series to follow. See series one DVD, series two DVD and series three DVD for more information.
The DVD boxset planned for release in January 2012 has been postponed. Revelation Films have stated on Twitter they still hope to add it to their release schedules later in 2012.
During 2009 Fremantle confirmed their intention to release episodes as a digital download but due to the DVD release this seems unlikely to happen.
This follows several years of appeals and petitions in conjuntion with Jeremy on his The T-Room website and Robert with his DVD petition. Our ongoing appeal will continue until an official release for all nine series happens, find out how you can get involved with the DVD Release Appeal for more details.
Are these T-Bag DVDs available outside of the UK (i.e. in Australia)?
These DVDs are only available in the UK, these are region 2 discs so will only play on region 2 or multi-region DVD players. If you are not living in a region 2 country and want to purchase these DVDs you will need a multi-region DVD player. Revelation Films only have the rights to release the series in the UK. For an Australian release an Australian publisher would have to release the series on DVD. So far there is no news of an Australian release.
Where can I get episodes of T-Bag on video/DVD?
Before the DVD release of the first three series there was only one officially commercial series released, this was T-Bag And The Pearls Of Wisdom. More details can be found on the T. Bag And The Pearls Of Wisdom VHS Merchandise page. To get the other series you'll have to get them copied from someone. Please post a message on the REQUESTS FOR SERIES & EPISODES board on The T-Bag Forum! You must be a member to post messages.
I have some images of T-Bag, the cast & crew etc would you like them?
Yes, you can contact me with any images (details on contact me page). Thanks in advance for any images you send me
You have used one of my images without my permission, I would like you to credit me for the image/remove it from this website, what should I do?
I have tried to ask permission to use everyone’s images before I do, in some cases this is not possible (where no e-mail address is given or e-mails come back undeliverable etc). Where this is not possible I try to credit the author and add a link to their website. If you want me to credit you (if I have not done already please contact me). If you want me to remove any images here which belong to you please contact me and I will remove them as soon as possible. I am very grateful for everybody who has let me use their images etc.
Can I use some of your images on my website?
Please contact me to ask if you would like to use any of the images on this website. Most images have been produced by me. Please provide me with a link to your site and if your site is about T. Bag, children's TV or the cast or crew of T. Bag I'll most likely let you use some of my images.
I have a link to a T-Bag or another children’s TV programme not featured in your links pages, would you like it?
Yes, I want my website to be as featured-packed as possible. You can send me links via e-mail (see contact me page) or post any links on the board dedicated to this website on The T-Bag Forum! and I will visit the website an if I think everybody else should see it I will add it to my links pages. Thanks to everybody who has sent in their links!
One of your links is broken or leads to something inappropriate shall I tell you?
Please inform me if a link is broken - I may be able to 'fix' it or remove it fully.
I have an idea for your website would you like to hear it?
Yes, I welcome all idea’s etc. You can e-mail me or post any thoughts or idea’s on the board dedicated to this website on The T-Bag Forum!
I have information you are missing on one (or more) of your pages. How do I tell you about it?
Please contact me if you have any information on the missing details on some of my pages (e.g. The RRP of the Pearls of Wisdom VHS, Appearances of the cast in the biographies etc).
When and what will be the next update?
The website is constanly growing and evolving so I always have ideas for the website, some still at an early planning stage and I work on different updates at the same time. I try to update the website whenever I can to keep it informative and up-to-date. Future updates will be added to The High-T News & Updates page.
When I try a link all I get is a 'coming soon' page and I've tried for weeks/months now. Is it coming at all?
Some links direct you to a 'coming soon' page in order for me to plan the expansion of the website. These coming soon pages are temporary and should not be there long before any new page is online.
How can I contact you about something?
There are many ways you can contact me. You can either e-mail me; Private Message Me on The T-Bag Forum! (Members Only) or post a message on the The T-Bag Forum!.
Other ways to contact me and keep in contact can be found on the Contact Me page.
My question is not covered here, how do I ask you something?
E-mail me or post any questions on the board dedicated to this website on The T-Bag Forum!