If you would like to contribute your favourite/funniest etc quotes from this episode please contact me.
Spick and span
(T-Bag runs her finger over the dusty tea caddy).
T-Bag: T-Shirt.
T-Shirt: What is it now?
T-Bag: What do you call that?
T-Shirt: A finger.
T-Bag: I thought I told you I wanted this place spick and span.
T-Shirt: It is spick and span, I’ve been spicking and spanning all morning.
T-Bag: Well it's not good enough. There's enough dust in here to stuff a sofa. Look here.
(T-Bag picks up the dusty teapot).
T-Shirt: Where?
T-Bag: There.
T-Shirt: Where?
T-Bag: There.
T-Shirt: I don't see it.
T-Bag: It must be at least an inch thick.
T-Shirt: Oh yeah
(he blows the dust off into T-Bag's face).
T-Bag: (Coughs and splutters) Clumsy clot. What do you think you're playing at?
T-Shirt: Sorry.
T-Bag: Don't sorry me, go make me a cup of tea. My throat feels like a sheet of sandpaper.
(Coughs) Well hurry up.
T-Shirt: I'm hurrying.
T-Bag: Thank you.
(Drinks tea) Ohhhh, glorious, glorious. Well don't just stand there looking gormless boy, back to work.
T-Shirt: Work, work, work, work.
T-Bag: And don't mutter. Oh let's have a quick squint at what's going on down here.
(T-Bag looks in the saucer) Oh, Ali Barber the hairdresser. Come to think of it, I could do with a shampoo and set, get some of this dust out of my hair. Good idea. T-Shirt, I'm just popping out for a while to get my hair done, be good.
T-Shirt: Oh you don't have to bother going out.
T-Bag: What do you mean?
T-Shirt: I could do you hair for you.
T-Bag: You, don't be absurd.
T-Shirt: I could, let me try.
T-Bag: You must be joking. Hair as beautiful and delicate as mine requires the deft touch of a professional. I don't want your inky little fingers tangling it all up.
T-Shirt: I could do it with my magic.
T-Bag: Forget that.
T-Shirt: Oh let me.
T-Bag: No fear, I'm off to where the smart people get their hair done.
(T-Bag looks in the saucer) Wait a minute, it looks as if he's got a customer already. That cool customer clever clogs.
T-Shirt: Debbie.
T-Bag: Quiet, I want to see what's what here.
Added: 04/04/2020
Just my usual hair style
Ali Barber: A-Ha, Arggh.... argghhhhhhh.... argghhhhh....
T-Bag: What is it?
Ali Barber: Argghhhhh... That is extraordinary.
T-Bag: What is?
Ali Barber: That, on your head.
T-Bag: Ohh, my tiara.
Ali Barber: No, no, no, no, that hairdo it, it's whur.. words fail me, it's breathtaking.
T-Bag: Do you really think so? I wouldn't have said it was anything special.
Ali Barber: Special, it's a miracle, who on Earth could have created such a masterpiece? What genius?
T-Bag: It's just my usual hair style. I wouldn't have said I'm a genius exactly, well...
Ali Barber: You mean it's all your own work, hmhmhmmm, I would never have guessed, hmhmhmmm
T-Bag: What is the matter with you?
Ali Barber: (Still laughing) It's ridiculous. It's dreadful, It's outrageous, you look like a Christmas tree.
T-Bag: How dare you? I happen to be very proud of this hairstyle.
Ali Barber: Oh, yes, of course, quite right, I do apologise, I don't know what came over me.
T-Bag: I want a shampoo and set and less of your cheek.
Ali Barber: Yes Madam, certainly Madam, right away Madam, take a seat. Erm, I'm going to need some pretty special tools for this job.
T-Bag: Well hurry up and get them I haven't got all day.
Ali Barber: One moment.
(He leaves and T-Bag opens the cash register and sees the numbers have gone).
T-Bag: Gingernuts, the numbers have gone, but where?
Ali Barber: Here we are.
(Ali walks back through with some garden shears).
T-Bag: Ourghhh, what are those for?
Ali Barber: Your hair.
T-Bag: My hair, are you mad? My hair is delicate
(she touches her hair and realises), what the? Quick, a mirror, Arrghh, orrhhhh. Cream crackers and clotted, that boy, that boy, that…
Ali Barber: When you're ready.
(T-Bag disappears)
Ali Barber: Oh well, hair today, gone tomorrow.
Added: 04/04/2013
Open sesame
T-Bag: So that's where those accursed silver numbers have got too. T-Shirt come here. Now's your chance to redeem yourself, I want you to go to the Sultan's palace and get those silver numbers.
T-Shirt: Why can't you go?
T-Bag: Less of your lip, how can I go, looking like this? I feel such a fool.
T-Shirt: Alright then, what do I have to do?
T-Bag: Get the silver numbers from the Sultan's safe.
T-Shirt: How will I do that?
T-Bag: It's easy, just say after me, open sesame.
T-Shirt: Open sesame.
T-Bag: And again.
T-Shirt: And again.
T-Bag: No, no, no.
T-Shirt: No, no, no.
T-Bag: T-Shirt, Open sesame, that's what you have to say to open the safe.
T-Shirt: Open sesame.
T-Bag: Good boy, off you go and T-Shirt don't let the Sultan see you.
T-Shirt: I won't
(he disappears).
(T-Bag looks in the mirror).
T-Bag: Ohhhhh.
Added: 04/04/2017
Old Sultan Pinkylocks
Sultan Vinegar: Now there's my sword
(sees T-Bag), who are you?
T-Bag: Never mind who I am, the point is
(The Sultan laughs), what is it?
Sultan Vinegar: What's that on your head?
T-Bag: Don't you start, now listen I... Stop that, you're asking for trouble Mister.
Sultan Vinegar: I've never seen anything so ridiculous in my whole life.
T-Bag: Oh you haven't?
Sultan Vinegar: No, no, it's preposterous, it's ludicrous, it's bizarre.
T-Bag: Well it's certainly a lot better than this.
(She turns the Sultan's hair pink).
Sultan Vinegar: What have you done?
T-Bag: Oh dear. You seem to have stopped all that merry laughter, whatever is the matter?
Sultan Vinegar: A Sultan with pink hair, I shall be a laughing stock. Give me back my hair.
T-Bag: Put that away
(she makes the Sultan's sword disappear). Now, first things first: you have what I want.
Sultan Vinegar: What?
T-Bag: Silver numbers. Hand them over, quickly.
Sultan Vinegar: I will not!
T-Bag: Otherwise you know what everyone will say.
Sultan Vinegar: What will everyone say?
T-Bag: Here comes Old Sultan Pinkylocks!
Sultan Vinegar: Pinkylocks? Oh no!
T-Bag: Stinky-winky Pinkylocks!
Sultan Vinegar: No! Anything but that!
T-Bag: Well?
Sultan Vinegar: Alright, alright, I'll get the blessed things for you. Open sesame.
(He opens the safe and gives the numbers to T-Bag) Here you are, here you are. Take them, take them all.
T-Bag: Thank you.
Added: 04/04/2014
It wasn't my fault
T-Shirt: Ow, ow, ow.
T-Bag: Will you ever do anything right boy? Will you? Will you?
T-Shirt: It wasn't my fault.
T-Bag: Oh, oh! I suppose it was my fault.
T-Shirt: Yes.
T-Bag: What?
T-Shirt: You wouldn't listen, I tried to tell you.
T-Bag: Be quiet.
T-Shirt: But you sent me back here.
T-Bag: Shut up.
T-Shirt: You can't blame me.
T-Bag: Silence. Ohhhhh, I despair of you. I do, I do. Now thanks to you, little madam has got all those silver numbers back.
T-Shirt: And the number five.
T-Bag: And the number fi... drat it. Oh but not to worry T-Shirt, look where she's heading. That fearful creepy forest in story number six. That ought to take the wind right out of her sails.
Added: 04/04/2015