If you would like to contribute your favourite/funniest etc quotes from this episode please contact me.
Enough cheek
T-Bag: Oh this is ridiculous.
T-Shirt: Oi, don't kick my toys, you'll break them.
T-Bag: If you don't want your toys to get broken don't play with them in here, simple.
T-Shirt: But I wanted to stay and play cricket with Ben and Bunty Badshot and that girl Debbie, you wouldn't let me.
T-Bag: Hold your tongue boy this instant.
T-Shirt: Can't, it's too slippy.
T-Bag: Ooh, if I didn't have to suffer enough cheek from that hateful little girl. Her nose must be twitching by now trying to sniff out the next silver number. Now what have we here?
(T-Bag looks in her saucer) Oh, Scrap Harry, ah, the junk dealer. Well I've got some junk he's welcome to have.
(T-Bag uses her magic to gather up all T-Shirt's games).
T-Shirt: What are you doing with my toys?
T-Bag: Getting rid of them. Make yourself useful while I'm away.
T-Shirt: Doing what?
T-Bag: Anything I don't care. Take the rubbish off those dusty old shelves over there. This place is turning into a pig's sty.
(T-Bag disappears and T-Shirt goes to tidy up the stuff on the shelves).
Added: 04/04/2017
Silver did you say?
Scrap Harry: I'll be glad to see the back of this place. It'd be good riddance to bad rubbish, that's what I say.
(T-Bag appears).
Scrap Harry: Flipping heck, where did you spring from?
T-Bag: Good day, I have some junk I want to get rid of, any good to you?
Scrap Harry: Er, no, sorry darling, I only deal in scrap metal. Tin, copper, aluminium, zinc, brass, lead, oh, and gold or silver.
T-Bag: Silver did you say?
Scrap Harry: That's right, darlin', I've got the lot 'ere.
T-Bag: And where there's silver, there's smarty-pants Deborah. She's bound to turn up sooner or later. Young man, you must help me.
Scrap Harry: Look, sorry, like I said I only deal in metal. No sale.
T-Bag: I don't mean that. Oh I can't stand it.
Scrap Harry: What's the matter?
T-Bag: It's my little daughter.
Scrap Harry: What about her?
T-Bag: I can't find her anywhere. She was lost at sea a year ago and I haven't seen her since.
Scrap Harry: Oh dear.
T-Bag: I've searched high and low, oh my poor little baby darling Deborah, my little angel. All alone and lost in the great big world.
Scrap Harry: Oh that's terrible.
T-Bag: Terrible, it is terrible, I don't suppose you've come across her on your travels have you?
Scrap Harry: The poor lost little kid, she must be so lonely, lonely and afraid.
T-Bag: Alright, alright, have you seen her?
Scrap Harry: I'm afraid not.
T-Bag: Excellent, I mean, what a pity. If you should happen across her you will keep her safe for me, won't you?
Scrap Harry: What does she look like?
T-Bag: A charming little child, with red curly hair and a cheerful little smile, her name is Debbie, bluergh. You will keep her safe for me, won't you?
Scrap Harry: You've got my word.
T-Bag: Splendid, I'll be back soon, bye bye.
Scrap Harry: Hold on.
T-Bag: What?
Scrap Harry: Seeing how you've hit a patch of bad luck, I'll do you a favour. I'll take your pile of junk off you, here you are.
T-Bag: What's this for?
Scrap Harry: It's your payment. I don’t give credit and I don’t give cash but I’ll give you a balloon for your rubbish and trash, a deal?
T-Bag: Custard tarts, give it here. You just remember to keep your eyes peeled.
Scrap Harry: I will, I will
(T-Bag disappears). Oh an... Huh, nice lady that.
Added: 08/12/2013
Did your balloon burst?
T-Bag: T-Shirt, I'm back.
T-Shirt: Cor, what a great balloon, where did you get it from?
T-Bag: That ridiculous Scrap Harry person gave it to me in return for all that junk.
T-Shirt: You mean my toys. Oh great, then it must be mine.
(T-Bag pops the balloon with a pin from her headdress).
T-Bag: Oh, what a shame, did your balloon burst?
T-Shirt: You know it did, you bursted it.
T-Bag: Did I? How clumsy of me, what a pity.
Added: 04/04/2023
Walked right into the trap
(T-Shirt is making noises).
T-Bag: T-Shirt, stop making those revolting noises, you're putting me off my tea.
T-Shirt: You burst my balloon, that was a rotten thing to do.
T-Bag: Oh do stop moaning, ha, ha, ha, ha, come and have a look at this T-Shirt, the little mouse has walked right into the trap.
T-Shirt: That's not a little mouse, it's that girl, Debbie.
T-Bag: Yes and I've got her exactly where I want her.
Added: 04/04/2019
Free balloons
Scrap Harry: Have you got Mrs Bun the baker's wife?
Genie: Ah, Mrs Bun, no. Have you got Master Bones the butcher's son?
Scrap Harry: No. Have you got Miss Chip the carpenter's daughter?
Genie: Oh, Miss Chip, Mr Bones, I'm fed up with all this. I, I want my home back.
Scrap Harry: Alright, alright, don't get your whiskers in a twist. I'm sure that nice lady will bring it back safe and sound.
Genie: Ohhhh, wurhhhh. Fat chance.
Scrap Harry: Right, what shall we play now? Ludo, Snakes and Ladders, Tiddlywinks?
Genie: Poppycock.
Scrap Harry: Don't think I've got that one.
Genie: Bah! Robbed of my home. Phurh-uh, if I were 750 years younger why I'd, I'd, I'd, I'd...
(T-Shirt appears).
T-Shirt: Hello.
Genie: Hello. dohhh, phu-huh.
T-Shirt: What's the matter with him?
Scrap Harry: Who are you?
T-Shirt: My name's T-Shirt and a little bird told me that you give away free balloons, can I have one?
Scrap Harry: Hold your horses son, I don't give 'em away, I swap 'em. I don’t give credit and I don’t give cash but I’ll give you a balloon for your rubbish or trash.
T-Shirt: Rubbish or trash, hmm.
(T-Shirt disappears).
Genie: And another thing my boy you...
Scrap Harry: But... funny sort of day this, people popping in and out all over the shop.
Added: 04/04/2015