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The most fiendish plot I've ever hatched
Thomas: Boring, boring, boring, I wonder if this works? Oh this stupid thing. Come on. Always does the trick.
Holly (on TV): I'm Holly-Anna Jones previewing the weeks ahead. We've got a great season of programmes for you here on children's television, starting today with episode one of a brand new science fiction adventure featuring the ever popular Professor Sparkes...
Thomas: Great, Professor Sparkes, my favourite programme.
Holly (on TV): ... that's in just a few minutes, but before that let's take a look at some of the other highlights coming your way in the very near future. First of all there's a great new programme called...
(The TV signal goes off).
Thomas: Oh this stupid thing.
(Thomas adjusts the aerial and recoils backwards, he goes back to the TV as he sees a picture).
Thomas: T-Bag!
T-Bag: Yes, right first time, it's me. Eughh
(she changes the black and white TV image into colour), that's better.
Thomas: It, it can't be.
T-Bag: Oh don't start that piffle all over again.
Thomas: Go away.
(Thomas switches the TV off by the mains and unplugs it).
T-Bag: Nice try, but you can't get rid of me that easily.
(T-Bag laughs) Pathetic.
Thomas: What do you want? Leave me alone.
T-Bag: Leave you alone, leave you alone!
(Thomas disappears into the TV as Holly comes back on).
Holly (on TV): We do have a great variety of programmes
(we see Holly from behind on a big TV screen inside of the TV, T-Bag's new T-Room) so I'm sure you'll agree there's a lot of surprises in store for us all over the next few weeks.
T-Bag: Let's get rid of that nattering child.
T-Shirt: Oh I think I'm going to be sick.
T-Bag: Welcome to the new T-Room T-Shirt.
T-Shirt: Now I know I'm going to be sick.
T-Bag: I knew you'd be cock-a-hoop to see me again you little scallywag.
T-Shirt: Debbie.
T-Bag: Oh, save your breath, there's no Debbie to help you this time.
T-Shirt: You were destroyed, I saw you destroyed.
T-Bag: Was I? Oh that's funny, I don't feel destroyed, oh no, very much alive
(thunderclap) and kicking
(thunderclap) and ready
(thunderclap). Ready to put into action the most fiendish plot I've ever hatched.
T-Shirt: What are you up to?
T-Bag: Step this way T-Shirt and all will be revealed. Ta-dah! Well what do you think?
T-Shirt: It's a T-Plant.
T-Bag: Yes but not just a T-Plant is it?
T-Shirt: Did you put all this junk together?
T-Bag: Junk!
T-Shirt: What do you expect to do with that?
T-Bag: Do, do, I'll tell you what I expect to do.
T-Shirt: Well tell me then.
T-Bag: I'm trying. I'm going to take over every television set in the land. Every child who watches my programme, my High-TV, will fall hopelessly under my power. By harnessing the evil electricity from my deadly T-Plant I'll beam out waves of wickedness into every home.
T-Shirt: You mean you'll be on telly putting everybody under your power. It'll never work.
T-Bag: Oh no, let me give you just a teensy weensy sample of what's in store when I get going. Now let's see what's on at the moment.
(Holly Anna Jones is still on the TV).
Holly (on TV): So plenty of thrills and spills there in Curse of the Yeti...
T-Bag: Eughhh! Holly Anna Jones, smarmy little madam if ever there was one
Holly (on TV):... and that's followed by another...
(Holly continues to talk).
T-Shirt: I like her, I think she's great, she's a star.
Holly (on TV):... and this week ...
(Holly continues to talk).
T-Bag: Well she won't be twinkling for much longer, watch this.
Holly (on TV): ...and then it's time for our big film, Scoop of the Sahara. Later on we travel back to Victorian London for our classic drama the Night before Christmas and handkerchiefs at the ready for that one but it's not all tears because after that we're off to France for our next swashbuckling adventure serial, Return of the Pimple, which I know I'm certainly looking forward to. Well, well I'm not really looking forward to it, all of those pathetic little programmes usually turn out to be nothing but garbage, I wouldn't waste your time watching them, if you want my advice you'll wait until the great day when her majesty takes to the airwaves and introduces the fantastic, the marvellous, the wonderful High-TV. High-TV, High-TV, High...
(Holly continues to chant High-TV, High-TV, High-TV...).
T-Shirt: What have you done to her?
T-Bag: She's under my power now.
T-Shirt: Stop it, that's horrible.
T-Bag: Oh no it's not, it's wonderful. Soon everyone in the land will be singing the praises of High-TV.
(The T-Plant and the connected machinery explodes).
T-Bag: What the? What have you done?
T-Shirt: I never touched it, honest.
T-Bag: Well what's happened?
Holly (on TV): ... High-TV, High-TV, High-T, T, where was I? Oh yes, tea. Well I'm off for a cup of tea while you sit back and enjoy the return to our screens of Professor Sparkes, in Sparks in Space. Enjoy it.
T-Bag: What's the matter with this thing?
T-Shirt: Told you it would never work, didn't I?
T-Bag: What's wrong with it?
T-Shirt: Obvious isn't it?
T-Bag: Is it?
T-Shirt: Yeah, course it is. Your impulse input's too critically low to oscillate your diamodulator.
T-Bag: Get away.
T-Shirt: I'm telling you, the group potential of your resistor is causing a beam current feedback in your tetro-generator.
T-Bag: Really? Oh what are you burbling about? What do you know about it? Shut up!
T-Shirt: Only trying to help.
T-Bag: What I need is somebody who really knows about these things. But who?
T-Shirt: Sparks in Space is on, great.
Added: 04/04/2016
A jamming device
T-Shirt: If you make that booster we're all doomed.
Professor Sparkes: Look, calm down, calm down, do not panic. Now even if she had a booster I have got a little something here which will stop her dead in her tracks.
T-Shirt: What is it?
Professor Sparkes: It is a jamming device.
T-Shirt: A what?
Professor Sparkes: A jammer.
T-Shirt: What does it do?
Professor Sparkes: Well, it is very sensitive to bad vibrations, it picks 'em up, roots them out, and it destroys them, zap, just like that.
T-Shirt: How does it do that?
Professor Sparkes: Well you see these nine crystals here, they are not of this Earth.
T-Shirt: Get away.
Professor Sparkes: Oh it is true, they were brought back from our latest space probe. Yes, they have amazing properties, quite remarkable, and very mysterious. Even I have not yet discovered their fullest potential. But I do know that they can jam any nasty transmission. So fear not young man, as long as we've got this, we're alright.
T-Shirt: How does it work then, this jammer?
Professor Sparkes: Well I'll show you.
Added: 17/02/2014
Woe betide the world
Holly: Oh, it's useless, now what?
(T-Bag and T-Shirt appear) T-Shirt, am I glad to see you. Oh hello, I don't think I've met you, have you come to help stop that horrible old T-Bag woman?
T-Shirt: Quiet you, this is that horrible old T-Bag woman. Oh, I mean, that's her Majesty.
T-Bag: He means the game is up my dear, you've been found out.
Holly: T-Shirt.
T-Shirt: It'll be easier if you just do as her Majesty says.
Holly: T-Shirt, she's got you as well.
T-Bag: True, and now Miss Big-head Holly-Anna, it's your turn.
Holly: No.
T-Bag: Yes,
(T-Bag's magic doesn't work) what? I don't understand it.
Holly: Nothing happened.
T-Shirt: Something must be protecting her.
(Holly takes the crystal out of her bag).
Holly: This.
T-Bag: Oh, one of those hateful crystals, where did she get it? T-Shirt?
T-Shirt: Sorry.
T-Bag: Curse, curse.
Holly: So I'm on my own eh. Right, well I'll get those crystals, all of them, I'll stop you T-Bag, you just see if I don't.
(Holly leaves).
T-Shirt: Shall I go after her your Majesty?
T-Bag: Let her go, little fool. By the time she finds any of those crystals the booster machine will be built and High TV will be on the air. Nothing will stop me this time. This time I will win and woe betide the world when I do.
Added: 04/04/2015