If you would like to contribute your favourite/funniest etc quotes from this episode please contact me.
That inspired idea of mine
(Polly is transported into the T-Room by the magic of the rings).
Polly: Now where am I?
T-Bag (off screen): Right you halfwit. Go and make me a cup of tea and make it good and strong.
(Polly hides as T-Shirt comes in, makes a cup of tea and leaves to take it to T-Bag, Polly then comes out from hiding).
Polly: How can the ring be here?
(Polly knocks into something which makes a noise, she goes to hide as T-Bag and T-Shirt come back in).
T-Bag: What's that? Who's here?
T-Shirt: There's nobody here, drink your tea.
T-Bag: Right, right, now I've mulled this thing over in my mind and this is what we're gonna do.
T-Shirt: Ohhhhh.
T-Bag: Cast your mind back to the beginning of this sordid little tale and you may recall that inspired idea of mine.
T-Shirt: No.
T-Bag: The one where you hid behind the statue and shouted down the megaphone.
T-Shirt: Oh yeah. I am Zeus, you will kneel before me and do as I say.
T-Bag: That's the one.
T-Shirt: What about it?
T-Bag: Well you're gonna do it again. You know what they say. Choose the shoes that fits the foots.
T-Shirt: Who says that?
T-Bag: Cobblers.
T-Shirt: Exactly, Polly's not gonna fall for that one again.
T-Bag: Of course she will. All you've got to say is 'hand over the rings' and Bob's your Auntie.
T-Shirt: I'm telling you, it won't work.
T-Bag: Look, the girl is an idiot. She's as thick as a Christmas size bar of fruit and nut! It's bound to work.
T-Shirt: Er, a point.
T-Bag: What?
T-Shirt: If she's that stupid how come she's got nine of the rings and you've got sweet tickety-boo?
T-Bag: I will tell you why, because she doesn't have you hanging around her neck, like a bad-shaped albatross luck charm. That's why, come on.
(T-Bag and T-Shirt leave the room, Polly comes out her hiding place, she finds and opens the secret door).
Polly: That's weird.
(Polly leaves the T-Room and T-Bag and T-Shirt walk back in).
T-Bag: Right, you know what to do with this I trust
(T-Bag passes the megaphone to T-Shirt).
T-Shirt (using the megaphone): I still say you're barking up the wrong tree.
T-Bag: Just you go and do as you're told and less of the... huurrghh
(T-Bag notices the open door).
T-Shirt: What?
T-Bag: Look, look, there. I knew there was somebody here, I knew it, I knew it. I can smell it, it was that Polly-wolly doodle thing, she was here. I can smell the foul stench of sweetness in the air. Mmmmmmmmm.
T-Shirt: Come on then, shift your lumber, let's get after her.
T-Bag: Stop. It's about time we started acting a bit more subtle. I can feel a grade-A, five-star, wamdinger of a wangle coming on. So, come on.
Added: 04/04/2024
We'd sell tickets and popcorn
T-Shirt: Why are we here?
T-Bag: Watch Shirty and learn.
(T-Bag changes the signs around).
T-Shirt: Oh, you've changed the signs around.
T-Bag: Oh, well done Professor.
T-Shirt: So when Polly comes up from the temple, instead of going out the exit, she'll go...
T-Bag: Straight into the flesh-eating jaws of the monstrous minotaur. Don't you just love it, ha, ha!
T-Shirt: That's a bit mean isn't it?
T-Bag: Mean, what do you mean, mean, of course it's mean, that's the whole point, when that hideous beast has finished with Polly's bones we'll pick through what's left and get the rings back.
T-Shirt: You'd really do that? Sit back and watch a poor innocent girl get eaten alive.
T-Bag: Yes we would, and if there was time we'd sell tickets and popcorn. Huuwhhh, quick here she comes.
Added: 08/12/2013
Persevere my girl
Polly: What?
Athena: Do not be afraid my child.
Polly: Athena.
Athena: You have done well Polly-Zena to have recovered nine of the golden rings, your task is almost done.
Polly: But I don't know where the last one is, I can't find it.
Athena: Persevere my girl, persevere, but take care. And know that the path you are on is a dangerous one, beware, beware, beware.
Added: 04/04/2014
My tea making days are over
T-Bag: Come on, come on, make with the tea, the fun is about to begin, ha ha!
T-Shirt: Just a minute.
T-Bag: What?
T-Shirt: I've just thought of something.
T-Bag: Oh the first time's always the hardest.
T-Shirt: The Minotaur eats Polly right.
T-Bag: Right.
T-Shirt: The rings are left lying in the cave right.
T-Bag: Right.
T-Shirt: But with a flipping great Minotaur sitting there, belching and picking it's teeth.
T-Bag: Right.
T-Shirt: So what suicidal fool is going to go down there and risk his neck trying to get the rings back with a dirty great monster eyeing him up for desert?
T-Bag: Hmmm.
T-Shirt: Oh no, no, no, no. No way, forget it.
T-Bag: Ohhhh, you chicken. Who's afraid of a little Minotaur? Cluck, cluck, cluck.
T-Shirt: I'm not doing it.
T-Bag: You'll do as I tell you.
T-Shirt: D.I.Y.
T-Bag: What's that?
T-Shirt: Do it yourself.
T-Bag: Ohhhhhhhhh, how dare you talk to me in that tone of voice? I tell you to go down there and get me those rings.
T-Shirt: You want them. You get them.
T-Bag: Bring me those rings or you're fired Shirt.
T-Shirt: You can't fire me Bag because I resign.
T-Bag: What?
T-Shirt: Find yourself another sucker. My tea making days are over. Lead me to the football and the discos, I'm out of here.
T-Bag: You can't leave me.
T-Shirt: Why not?
T-Bag: Ohhh, because... Oh, because...
T-Shirt: Because you need me. Well too, too bad, you should have thought of that sooner, goodbye, it's been grim knowing you.
T-Bag: Wait, oh Shirt, T-Shirt, Thomas, Tommy. Oh you can't leave me now, oh the ups and downs, the smiles and frowns, oh, we've been through a lot, you and I, we're a team, we belong together, oh, don't tell me this is the end. Say something, anything.
T-Shirt: Lend us forty pee for my bus fare.
T-Bag: Ouugghhhhhhhh, riiiiiighhhhht, that's it, nobody toils with Tabatha Bag boy, you want out, I'll give you out.
(T-Bag takes away T-Shirt's magic).
T-Shirt: Owwwwwww.
T-Bag: You've blinked your final blink my boy, no more magic, no more nothing. Right, get out of here.
T-Shirt: Noooooo!
T-Bag: Right, let's see how you manage Mister Minotaur minus your magic.
T-Shirt: You wouldn't.
(T-Bag uses her magic to close the cave door).
T-Bag: Ohhhhhhh, ohhhhh. Oh Tabatha girl, oh, that was the best thing you ever did. Right, right, now how are we going to get those rings?
Added: 04/04/2015
Traipsing all the back to Mount Olympus
Polly: At last, I'm home. Mount Olympus, I never thought I'd be so glad to see it again.
T-Shirt: Well come on, it's still a fair old trek to the top.
Polly: I don't know if I can make it.
T-Shirt: Course you can, come on, we better get going.
T-Bag: Arrrggghhhhhggghhhhh... Hello me dearies, you don't know who I am but as sure as eggs are eggs I know who you are. Me old mucker, the goddess Athena, asked me to come down here to save you two the trouble of traipsing all the back to Mount Olympus. Ooooh, it ain't half high, oh my old bunions and me corns and me veins, but I don't mind traipsing all the back and all the way down again. So if you two nice people like to sling over the rings I'll be shuffling up to the top of Mount Olympus again.
T-Shirt & Polly: Bug off T-Bag.
T-Bag: Whaaaat! How did you know it was me?
T-Shirt: Because only a complete bozo would be taken in by your rubbishy disguises. They're pathetic, all of them.
Polly: Now go away Bin Bag. We've got the rings so there's no way you can stop us.
T-Bag: Right! I'm gonna wipe those smug smiles off those faces if it's the last thing I ever do.
(T-Bag clicks her fingers and disappears).
T-Shirt: Well, shall we?
Polly: I'll never make it and it'll be dark soon.
T-Shirt: Yeah, maybe we should stay here the night, make a fresh start in the morning.
Polly: Sounds good to me.
T-Shirt: Ok then, I'll magic us up a fire and some grub.
(T-Shirt tries to use his magic) Oh flip I forgot, I'll have to do it the old fashion way.
Added: 04/04/2012
Return to Olympus/The destruction of Tabatha Bag
(T-Shirt and Polly arrive at the top of Mount Olympus with the rings).
Polly: Come on slowcoach, keep up, you can make it.
T-Shirt: Oh dear, I thought you were supposed to have a bad leg?
Polly: No, all better.
T-Shirt: I didn't think we'd ever get to the top.
Polly: Well, we're here now, back where we started.
T-Shirt: So what do we do next apart from keel over and die from exhaustion.
Polly: What a moaning-Minnie. Athena, Athena we're back.
T-Shirt: Why are you calling Athena for? You saw what happened to her.
Polly: Oh I know, trust me, Athena.
(Athena appears on the throne).
Athena: Here my child.
Polly: Athena, it’s you.
T-Shirt: You're alive but I saw you...
Athena: Don't believe everything you see my boy. You have done wonderfully well Polly-Zena and your exploits will be talked on for many generations to come and now my dear, if you please, The Rings of Olympus.
Polly: There
(Polly empties them out into her hands and steps down near T-Shirt); at last they're back where they belong.
(Athena's face changes into T-Bag's).
T-Bag: I couldn't agree with you more, Polly pee-wee-piffle pants
(Changes to T-Bag).
Polly: What?
T-Shirt: Eh?
T-Bag: What, what was it you were saying yesterday kiddy winks, what, what, what was it, my rubbishy disguises, well bozo brains not so cocky now, not so smug. Ha ha ha.
Polly: Give those back you.
T-Shirt: Yeah give her those back.
T-Bag: Zip your lip. Tabatha Bag is back with a vengeance. The mighty Rings of Olympus are mine. The power of the Gods belongs to me
(T-Bag holds up her hand of rings and they link together and she puts them on).
T-Shirt: What can we do?
Polly: There's nothing we can do.
T-Bag: I can feel the energy surging through my every fibre, I love it, I love it. You're dead ducks this time you two.
T-Shirt: Polly, run!
Polly runs and T-Shirt runs and hides behind the Zeus statue.
T-Bag: You can’t hide from me you idiot, come here T-Shirt, I said come here.
(She zaps the Zeus head with a golden ball of energy, and the Zeus statue comes to life)
Zeus: Who dares bring evil and destruction to this holiest of places?
T-Bag: What?
Zeus: You, Mortal I command you to give up those rings at once.
T-Bag: T-Shirt you really are the most pathetic creature, I've never met anyone so stupid, so idiotic, you really don't expect me to believe this codswallop do you?
Zeus: Lay down those rings this instant.
T-Bag: T-Shirt, come out from behind there, come down from there immediately.
(We see T-Shirt starting to walk round behind T-Bag but she doesn't see him).
Zeus: I AM ZEUS!
T-Bag: Fathead!
Zeus: What?
T-Bag: Fathead, you obnoxious little rodent.
Zeus: How dare you talk to Zeus in such a manner?
T-Bag: Zeusy-Smoochy! I've never met anybody in the whole of my life so repellent, repulsive
(T-Bag turns around and sees T-Shirt standing behind her), oohh T-Shirt, arr.
(Zeus pours out smoke from his statue and the statue's eyes glow a fierce red).
Zeus: You have insulted Zeus, The God of all Gods, and for that you shall perish.
(A pair of diamond shapes fly from his eyes and these envelope T-Bag, the diamonds shrink and T-Bag disappears with a deafening scream).
T-Bag: Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhh!
T-Shirt: Well that's the end of her.
Polly Zena?
(Thomas finds himself back in the curiosity shop, he sees the toy doll in the stocks, looks over towards the door and sees the megaphone and the jester's doll on the other table, suddenly a girl walks in).
Thomas: Polly Zena?
Polly: No, Polly.
(Suddenly T-Shirt sees the portrait of T-Bag and the episode ends).
Added: 06/06/2015