T-Bag history in April

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Welcome to the T-Bag history by date section. This is a guide of what T-Bag events happened on a particular day throughout the year. This guide is split into each Calendar month and a new month's history will be available on the first of the month. These events range from air dates of episodes (including repeat broadcasts), VTR dates, known dates for the cast births, release dates for T-Bag merchandise and other notable events. Each of these will have links taking you to various pages of the website, including the series section, or in the case of guest cast members will take you to their page on IMDb.

On this page we look at the notable events in T-Bag history that happened during the month of April. If you know any events that I've missed here please contact and let me know. Please use the links below to go to a specific date.

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1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th

1st April

2nd April

3rd April

4th April

Wonders in Letterland episode one was broadcast in 1985 on Children's ITV at 4:20pm.

Stewart Harwood sadly passed away in 2016 (age 63), he appeared in Sunstones of Montezuma episode seven as Thug.

5th April

6th April

T-Bag Strikes Again episode two was broadcast (repeat) in 1988 on Children's ITV at 4:20pm.

James Saxon was born (died 2003, age 49) and would now have been - he appeared in four episodes: Revenge of the T. Set episode two as Emperor Caesar; Pearls of Wisdom episode five as Captain Blighter; T. Bag's Christmas Ding-Dong as Archduke Fritz and Sunstones of Montezuma episode three as Hamburger Guzzler.

7th April

Terence Conoley sadly passed away in 2016 (age 96), he appeared in Wonders in Letterland episode nine as The Emperor.

8th April

9th April

Aubrey Woods was born (died 2013, age 85) and would now have been - he appeared in two episodes: Turn On To T-Bag episode seven as Emil Fortoux/The Scarlet Pimple and Pearls of Wisdom episode four as Lord Squiffington Fop.

10th April

11th April

Wonders in Letterland episode two was broadcast in 1985 on Children's ITV at 4:20pm.

Willoughby Goddard sadly passed away in 2008 (age 81), he appeared in T-Bag Bounces Back episode nine as Uncle Jumbo.

Jim McManus sadly passed away in 2023 (age 82), he appeared in Pearls of Wisdom episode eight as Sir Cedric Sackbutt.

12th April

13th April

T-Bag Strikes Again episode three was broadcast (repeat) in 1988 on Children's ITV at 4:20pm.

Christopher Strauli was born and is now - he appeared in Revenge of the T. Set episode seven as King Leopold.

14th April

Murray Melvin sadly passed away in 2023 (age 90), he appeared in two episodes: Sunstones of Montezuma episode seven as Ignatius and Take Off With T. Bag episode six as Antonius.

15th April

16th April

17th April

18th April

Wonders in Letterland episode three was broadcast in 1985 on Children's ITV at 4:20pm.

19th April

20th April

T-Bag Strikes Again episode four was broadcast (repeat) in 1988 on Children's ITV at 4:20pm.

21st April

John Hasler was born and is now - he appeared in 93 episodes from Wonders in Letterland episode two to Take Off With T. Bag episode ten as T-Shirt/Thomas (including ).

Day one of filming for T-Bag The Reunion Documentary DVD released by Fantom Films.

22nd April

Ivan Beavis was born (died 1997, age 71) and would now have been - he appeared in Pearls of Wisdom episode one and episode ten as Captain Cockle.

23rd April

Brenda Cowling was born (died 2010, age 85) and would now have been - she appeared in T-Bag Strikes Again episode three as Bunty Badshot.

24th April

25th April

Wonders in Letterland episode four was broadcast in 1985 on Children's ITV at 4:20pm.

26th April

Lois Baxter was born and is now - she appeared in Turn On To T-Bag episode four as Krystle.

27th April

28th April

29th April

30th April

T-Bag History by month